The future of SaaS: forecasts and development prospects


The active introduction of SaaS will occur when the IT departments in the form in which they existed for many years begin to disappear en masse from the organizational structures of companies. Then the practice of purchasing licenses for the use of software by the user company will become a thing of the past. The customer company will create a profile of the virtual server for itself, choosing the processes to run on it. In my opinion, some IS solutions such as antivirus or web filtering systems are already suitable for this model. You have to understand, though, that the actual service in this situation will be the maintenance of the IS system – only the ISP will be responsible for this in most cases.

Any change means the emergence of new risks. Even if the change leads to a decrease in cost or an increase in productivity, as a rule, people have to weigh it all up carefully before they take action. And a positive decision to move will only be made if the pros strongly outweigh the risks. Of course, the loss of complete control over traffic or data when using software on the SaaS model is also a serious deterrent. The situation will change as trust in the providers, who will actively work to ensure privacy on their sites, grows.

In addition, not all applications can be moved outside of a company’s IT environment. Every major company has systems like this, and an entire fleet of applications can revolve around them. There is an understanding that the application of the SaaS model to such systems will not become widespread in the foreseeable future.

If we talk about the opportunities offered by SaaS, it is independence from the solutions of a particular vendor, from the need to purchase a perpetual license, from the professionalism of their own staff, from the capacity of the infrastructure, from the growth of traffic and so on. It’s also very important to understand that the SaaS model is an effective means of dealing with hidden costs. There are no costs for purchasing, deploying and maintaining software.

Read also: SaaS marketing tools

The SaaS model is a reflection of a general trend that can be succinctly summed up by the phrase “mind your own business.” All the company’s efforts should be focused on the core business, and everything else should be delivered as services of third-party providers. And we will definitely come to the complete victory of this model.




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